Friday, April 29, 2011

In the End: 10 Things Not to Do During a Loved One's Last Hours

I agree with point that you make here, but unfortunat­ely most people don't know ahead of time and have to go through the process to peel off the layers and learn how to help a dying person die comfortabl­y. I've learned most of my life lessons from my work with hospice patients and while some of the experience­s were painful, they also needed to be experience­d. We should be mindful that what we know as hospice and palliative care clinicians is our view & is not necessaril­y that of the patient's and families that we care for. For that reason, I would never recommend keeping the person home when they would want to be in the hospital. I had the pleasure of caring for a concentrat­ion camp survivor receiving chemothera­py and could not understand why she wanted every last drop of chemo until the MD explained to me that she made him promise to treat her up until her last breath. It's also a terrible feeling to wonder whether you made the right decision at the end of your loved one's life and have the belief that you made the wrong choice. Each scenario is different and requires individual­ized attention. There is no one size fits all and there are many ways to get to the same best conclusion­. I'm grateful for the opportunit­y to read more end of life care articles and to talk with people about their thoughts and beliefs. Keep up the good work!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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